Wow! My little blog here was nominated for a blogger award, how cool is that? I would like to thank my friend Sarah over at Fruhlingskabine Micro Farm for nominating me! I know I just started this Farm adventure, but I plan to give it a good go!
Now the rules....
Thank the person who gave you this award and include a link to their blog. Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award. So in no particular order, here are some blogs that I LOVE to read!
1. Sarah at Fruhlingskabine Micro Farm
2. Jenna at Cold Antler Farm
3. Meg at Whatever
4. Nikki at WhiMSy love
5. Heather at Heather Ann
6. Alee at Farmgirl Alee and Farmerette Nora
7. Jeremy and Heather at McCool's Dusty Acres
8. Amanda at Itchin' Stitchin'
9. The Daughton Family at Firecracker Farm
....okay I can only come up with 9 that I read regularly...I'm always on the hunt for new blogs though, and with this new Farm, I'll be scouting out other Farm blogs like never before! Now I'm supposed to give you seven things about myself...hmmm
1. I love to bake pies...but really only apple.
2. I love to knit, but I have no often leave a blanket half finished FOREVER!
3. I love calamari, like seriously, LOVE IT.
4. I can read a 400 page book in less than a day. I've done it a few times actually.
5. I really love sappy Christian old west movies. I know that's very specific, it is what it is.
6. I have a special love affair with Honey Mustard Sauce.
7. I secretly wish I could make a living as one of those guides at a pioneer era recreation homestead, that dresses up and teaches school kids how to card wool or churn butter.
So now I'm off to let all the people I nominated know that, well, I nominated them. So thanks again Sarah!
Thanks so much for the nomination ♥ It's always fun to see new blogs - One of my daily reads is Alicia Paulson's "Posie Gets Cozy"