Thursday, June 7, 2012

Official Farm Stamp

So the other day I carved a rubber tile into this farm stamp.  I need a new stamp pad, but you get the idea.  This will be the stamp I use to put my farm name on everything from equipment belonging to the farm to items sold by the farm.  It measures about 3x5, so I am going to try to make a smaller stamp as well.  But for now, this is it.  It's all kind of wonky, but I like it.  I think it's funny how when I see homemade things made by other people, I always think they are great!  The way they are just a little off so you can tell someone did it by hand - I love it.  But when I do things I always think they look a little too wonky.  Like it was the art project of a five year old, not a grown woman.  But I actually think this one came out pretty good, if I do say so myself.  So if you ever purchase anything from me, expect to see this stamp on your package!

1 comment:

  1. I am super impressed with how well the type came out! Maybe I need a really thin cutter because my lines certainly aren't that precise. I'm glad I got my copy!
